Pranav Desai

  • PHONE+91 8056157849
  • RESUME Link
  • LOCATIONChennai, India
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All you need to know

About Me

I am a highly motivated individual with a strong work ethic who is currently exploring his interests in ideating, building and deploying dynamic and rich Web experiences.

  • I've built and designed products.
  • Deployed products.
  • Scaled them.
I'll be glad to join forces if you're looking for a
Full Stack Developer

I'm familiar with MERN and MEVN stack. I've also scaled multiple apps with Redux and Vuex. I am great at managing and scaling databases.

I Have deliverd multiple full stack applications to the clients.

Blockchain Developer

I have Designed and developed various dApp projects, created smart contracts and explored different protocols.

An active contributor to many Web3 projects. Also a bit into trading and Technical Analysis.


BTech in Information Technology

Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore 2020 - 2024

Studied Engineering math which helped me groundwork Statistics and Computational Complexity Theory.

Got introduced to Algorithms, Database Management Systems, and Information Theory which enables me to understand systems design.

Higher Secondary

Chinmaya Vidyalaya 2008 - 2020

Studied Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. Was deeply fascinated by Calculus and Algebra.

This propelled me to dive deeper into the applications of Mathematics!

Job Experience

SDE Intern

TVS Motors May 2023 - July 2023

Developed a comprehensive Excel Visualization Portal that automated and streamlined the company's data management.

Implemented efficient data scraping functionalities to gather information from external sources seamlessly. Incorporated powerful data visualization tools to present the extracted data in a visually engaging manner.

Frontend Developer

TweepsBook Oct 2022 - Jan 2023

Designed and developed the frontend for from the ground up, creating a seamless user experience. Got featured on Product Hunt as #4 product of the day. Sucessfully got acquired by

Frontend Intern

BattleBrains May 2022 - June 2022

Managed the admin dashboard and merchant APIs. Re-documented the APIs, ran sprints to verify A/B test results and launched new features.

Contributor September 2021

Developed learning materials and improved the user experience of’s official website.

Collaborated with senior developers to fix major bugs and optimized the website by developing UI components.

Main Stream

Web Development

React Js, Vue Js
PostgreSQL, MongoDB, MySQL
JavaScript, TypeScript
Flask, Django
Side Stream

Blockchain Dev

Writing smart contracts (Solidity, Rust)
Integration with web3 and React/Vue
Unit Testing

If you are an ambitious person working on something interesting, we should definitely connect!

Phone: +91 8056 147 849 Email: